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About This Initiative...
Liaisons work closely with the TEA Review and Support team and the School Family & Community Engagement (SFCE) Initiative to provide specific support for schools dealing with SPED Cyclical Reviews, SPED RDA monitoring and findings of non-compliance.
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Whether you are addressing a challenge you have identified in your program or on your campus, preparing for a cyclical or targeted onsite desk review, or responding to monitoring activities, Liaisons have access to resources, training and expertise to assist you.
How can we help?
Jennifer DeLeon
Education Specialist/Special Education Liaison

PN: 806.281.5889
EM: jdeleon@esc17.net
Evelyn Gilson

Support Staff

PN: 806.281.5867
EM: egilson@esc17.net

Shannon Phillips

Education Specialist/Special Education Liaison

PN: 806.281.5847
EM: sphillips@esc17.net

Cyclical Review and Targeted Review...

What we do...

  • Participate in TEA phone calls and visits
  • Provide training and technical assistance to conduct a root cause analysis to assist in completion of your LEA’s Strategic Support Plan
  • Provide direct training and technical assistance as needed to support completion of LEA Self-Assessment and Strategic Support Plan (answer questions by phone or email or attend Self-Assessment work session at LEA to provide direct support)
  • Provide continued support (phone calls, emails, training, on-site visits, etc.) to assist in developing a targeted plan to address recommendations and growth areas contained in the monitoring report
  • Connect your LEA to other ESC and state resources to support your LEAs goals
  • Corrective Action & Strategic Support Plan

Onsite Review

  • Directly participate in any and all portions of the On-Site Review Visit: entrance meeting, classroom observations, staff interviews and exit conference. TEA will allow ESC Liaisons to be present and participate if the LEA gives permission.
  • Make recommendations with on-site scheduling
Data Dig & Discovery...

The Special Education Liaisons assist campus or district leadership teams in the analysis of special education data from systems such as the State Performance Plan (SPP), Special Education Self-Assessment and Results Driven Accountability (RDA).

Data Discovery support offers a focused approach to search for trends in student performance data across disability categories, campus, or grade levels.  This support also allows a district to experience a comparative view of region and state performance data in the areas of focus.



What we do...

  • Provide Self-Assessment Training
  • Assist with navigating through and understanding ASCEND 
  • Assist the District Leadership team in identifying the diverse team members needed to complete the SA
  • Assist with developing a timeline of SA completion for input, collaboration and review
  • Provide support to LEA review and update current procedures and practices
  • Provide support to LEA to improve SA category ratings.
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