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What is Region 17?
  • Twenty counties surrounding Lubbock, Texas comprise Region 17. The area consists of 18,966 square miles.
What is the Education Service Center?
  • It is an organization created to provide services to schools. There are twenty service centers in Texas, each serving schools in a specific region.
How many school districts are in Region 17?
  • There are 57 public school districts along with four charter schools and private schools that receive services from ESC-17.
What is the history of ESC-17?
  • Twenty Education Service Centers were established throughout the state in 1967 by the legislature and the State Board of Education. In the beginning, the primary purpose of service centers was to provide a resource of shared audio visual films and equipment. The success and effectiveness of the "service center concept" led to an expanded role with more and more resources offered to schools.
What services are available to schools?
  • A wide range of services is offered by ESC-17 to support school administration and instruction. Professional development for school administrators and teachers is a significant part of the work of ESC-17. In addition, cooperatives offered to schools provide benefits including volume purchasing of materials, supplies and food; federal contract management; Internet service; instructional resources; business and student software support and much more.
Where does the funding come from for ESC-17?
  • Funding for ESC-17 comes from a variety of sources. Each year, ESC-17 receives a base amount from the state. In addition to the state base, fees are generated based on the services provided to schools. School district participation in any of the services is voluntary.
Is ESC-17 a part of Lubbock Independent School District?
  • There is often confusion regarding ESC-17 and LISD. While both are located in Lubbock and enjoy a good relationship, they are separate. ESC-17's services are available to LISD as they are to any school in the region.