TEA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Guidance web page
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) continues to work with the Office of the Governor, Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to coordinate and plan the state’s response to COVID-19. TEA’s role in these efforts is to help coordinate the flow of information from the state to districts, help districts solve problems, and provide guidance that will aid in districts’ decision-making. TEA does not have the general authority to close schools for matters related to health. This authority lies with the local health authority, DSHS, and the Governor of Texas.
School Finance FAQ-Updated March 25th: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/School%20Finance%20FAQ_Updated%20March%2025%202020.pdf
TEA Missed School Day Waiver Guidance : https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Missed%20School%20Day%20Waiver%20Guidance_Updated%20March%2025.pdf
TEA Attestation While Open: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/instructional_continuity_attestation_while_remaining_open.pdf
TEA Attestation While Closed: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/instructional_continuity_attestation_while_closed.pdf
90% Rule Guidance: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/90_rule_guidance_march_26_2020.pdf
Guidance on Grading and Graduation Requirements: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Guidance%20on%20Grading%20and%20Graduation%20Requirements%203.30.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions
TASB also has some helpful postings and resources located on their HR Services site for those who are members.
Governor Abbott suspended certain provisions from the Open Meetings Act to allow school boards to meet remotely. Please review details from the OAG website at this link. Also, you may find guidance from TASB here on this new provision.
Guidance on Class Ranking, GPA and Graduation Honors: https://www.tasb.org/covid-19-resources/grading,-graduation,-and-class-rank-covid-19-faqs.pdf
Email through secure transmission for submission of required forms: BenefitProcessingSupport@trs.texas.gov
TRS-ActiveCare Resources: Participants have access to additional support from Aetna and CVS including waived costs for all diagnostics testing for COVID-19 for patient who meeting CDC guidelines, $0 TRS Virtual Health visits, and free home delivery on all prescription medications. Find more information here.